

Our suggestions

Wilbrod Tremblay's life story, known in Malaysia under the name of “Frère Gaston”.

Gaston Tremblay, missionary from Saguenay in Malaysia

Wilbrod Tremblay's life story, known in Malaysia under the name of “Frère Gaston”.

Archives of general (ptafflist) to free software (ptaffgnu) mailing list discussions by people near to ptaff.ca.

Our daily discussions

Archives of general (ptafflist) to free software (ptaffgnu) mailing list discussions by people near to ptaff.ca.

ECMAScript (Javascript) library, distributed under the GPL license, that creates charts from (x)HTML tables.

Columns filled with numbers turned into images

ECMAScript (Javascript) library, distributed under the GPL license, that creates charts from (x)HTML tables.